Saturday, July 28, 2007


So I'm kinda disappointed. I love to sit on the sidelines and watch a good race for local elected office. So where are the challengers? Are the three incumbents-- Schneider, Williams, and Barnwell--going to be given a pass?? Are there any serious challengers? Should there be? If not, why not? It's amazing in a town like this, with opinions, experience, money and ego in great supply, that no one else has thrown his or her hat in the ring. Thoughts?

An Elusive, Complicated Paradise

I tell ya, it's gettin harder to be a Santa Barbaran among Santa Barbarans these know, wanting to blend in but stand out at the same time? and not get bitten too hard by some of the rabid local know-it-alls? There are so many sacred cows in this town---we dare not raise them in face-to-face discourse. But hey, let SantaBlogBa be the place where we can challenge ourselves to "say" what's really on our minds. Let's be civil and refrain from personal attacks, slander or meanness. I will keep the comments open as long as we can remain civil. As for anonymity, if used in moderation, it can be a cathartic, enlightening indulgence. No judgements here--- use your own name, use anonymous, use a blogger name....just use your voice!